Salesforce Announces Small Business Relief Grants

Salesforce has teamed up with the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) to bring the Salesforce Care Small Business Grants to Australia.

Salesforce will be offering 67 one-off $10,000 grants to eligible Australian small businesses to help them overcome the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The engine of our economy and central to our community

Minister for Small and Family Business, Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash said the grants would be a much needed boost for the successful small businesses and will complement other support that the Government has provided.

“COVID-19 has had a considerable impact on businesses in Australia and these grants will help small businesses to get through this period, innovate, employ and grow into the future,” she said.

How the program works

The Small Business Relief Grants is a new initiative to boost Australian small businesses as they work to adapt to the next normal. Salesforce will be teaming up with COSBOA. For over four decades, COSBOA has been a voice for small business in Australia and will manage the selection process and administer the grants.

“We’re proud to team up with Salesforce to deliver much needed support for small businesses. We encourage every eligible small business to get in touch and apply, this money could be essential to getting your business back to work and back to growth.”  said Peter Strong, CEO, COSBOA.

Businesses eligible for the grant must fulfil these criteria:

  • Be a for-profit business with an ABN
  • Employ between 2 and 50 employees
  • Have an annual revenue of $150,000 to $2,000,000
  • Have been in business for a minimum of two years
  • Can show the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their business
  • Meet the criteria set out on the COSBOA website.

COSBOA will select independent judges based on experience, and this judging committee will choose applicants most likely to benefit from the program.

Successful applicants will be able to use the funds for:

  • Operational costs including paying rent and paying employees
  • Offsetting marketing costs
  • Investing in customer experience
  • Purchasing inventory for the long term

Salesforce technology and services are excluded. Applications open on 25 May 2020, close on 1 June 2020 and the successful applicants will be announced in late June or early July.

For businesses looking for additional support, the Australian Government’s site is a great resource to help you get started.

Now is the most important time to support small businesses and we’re excited to see Australian small businesses thrive in the next normal

Find out more about Small Business Relief Grants, including all eligibility criteria, on the COSBOA website.

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