Personal Income Tax Cuts Now Law
July 23, 2019
The proposed income tax cuts are now law. The immediate change is the extension of the low income tax offset to a low and middle tax offset which will result in a $1,080 offset for taxpayers with incomes between $48,000 and $90,000. Details of the thresholds below:-
Taxable Income Range (S) | Low & Middle Income Tax Offset Amount |
$0 – $37,000 | Up to $255 |
$37,000 – $48,000 | $255 plus 7.5 cents per dollar of income above $37,000 |
$48,001 – $90,000 | $1080 |
$90,001 – $126,000 | $1080 less 3 cents per dollar of income above $90,000 |
$126,000 & above | $0 |
The extension of the offset gives incentive to those taxpayers impacted to lodge their returns as soon as possible. However the ATO is encouraging taxpayers to wait until at least until 31 July to give employers time to finalise their employees’ income statements and for third-party data such as dividends, interest, share disposals to be progressively uploaded onto the ATO systems.
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